Message From Chairman

In the year 2023, the global economy as a whole is in a state of flux due to various factors. The impacts include financial repercussions from adjusting interest rates as a policy to reduce inflation, rapid technological changes, geopolitical conflicts, and severe climate change. These factors have led to a slow recovery of the global economy. However, amid this uncertainty, it has pushed many countries worldwide to seek solutions, particularly in participating at a global level to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2023, DEMCO has realigned its vision and organizational strategy to align with global trends, aiming to become a producer and provider of clean energy. They set goals to expand businesses in construction and investments related to renewable energy projects. In terms of management, aside from implementing risk management plans, business continuity plans, and enhancing cost efficiency, DEMCO also emphasizes promoting and developing personnel at all levels to act responsibly considering the environment, society, and governance to develop business sustainability. DEMCO remains committed to increasing opportunities for business operations, developing organizations and personnel with modern technology and knowledge, fostering continuous and sustainable growth while considering the impacts on all stakeholders.

On behalf of the board and employees of DEMCO, we express our gratitude to shareholders, business partners, and stakeholders who have supported and believed in the group's operations. We also thank the board, executives, and all employees who have contributed collaboratively and dedicatedly to the success and sustainable growth of the business.

Chairman of the Board